Often affectionately known as the Bambino, the Fiat 500 was for many Italian families their first proper car, replacing the Vespa (or Lambretta for the families who liked to walk) as their primary transport. Craig from Scooterworks imports them into the UK. I'd love one, but with my anglo-saxon-nordic frame I'd be driving with my knees up by my ears. Despite not being made since 1975, there are still a surprising number of Cinquecenti gurgling about Rome. No matter what condition they are in (and often they are in better nick than nearby modern cars) they are so comically photogenic I half suspect that the Italian tourist board leaves them around the city to enchant visitors.

Great stuff! As a young 'un, a fellow apprentice had an Abarth Cinquecento....amongst the hordes of us with Morris 8s and Austin 7s he was top banana!
Did you spot a Topolino there? Perhaps even more iconic (imo).
No Topolini, regrettably - though I did see one last time we were in Paris...
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